Siobhan Karaitiana

Kaupapa Taiao Specialist

027 342 8400

Siobhan joined Kāhu Environmental in early 2021 after working for an Iwi Environmental Centre for a number of years. She works with a diverse range of iwi, hapū and Māori groups to build capability and capacity so they can participate in and influence the way resources are managed. Siobhan has an eye for strategy, making connections across the landscape to deliver positive outcomes for taiao, wai, whānau and communities. She has a Bachelors degree with Honours in ecology and environmental science. Siobhan has been learning te reo Māori for the past 10 years along with her four tamariki who attend kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa.

Siobhan is experienced with:

  • Supporting Iwi-Crown engagement in planning and delivering large infrastructure projects

  • Facilitating iwi/hapū responses in RMA processes like resource consenting and plan changes

  • Applying a values based approach to three waters kaupapa, transport and industrial infrastructure planning, subdivision planning and reserve management

  • Delivering RMA, environmental and archaeological training for kaimahi and kaitiaki

  • Co-constructing Iwi Environmental Management Plans and Cultural Materials Plans.