Lily Campbell

Lily is one of the nicest and most understanding planners you’re ever going to meet. From razor-sharp RMA legislation analysis to designing GIS maps, she’s there for you with your project’s big picture in mind and a smile on her face. Before she joined Kāhu Environmental she worked in local government planning departments. She loves tramping, swimming, and writing clear and easy to read planning documents for regular people. A fierce determination complements her sunny disposition.

Lily has an honours degree in Environmental Management and works on a range of projects including consent applications, RMA research, and district and regional plan reviews. She is very interested in environmental impact assessments, particularly regarding cultural and health outcomes. She is also a keen researcher and enjoys being involved with data analysis. 

Lily specialises in:

  • Analysing and summarising submissions

  • GIS mapping

  • Drafting district and regional plan provisions

  • Writing and reviewing consent decisions, and s32 and s42A RMA reports

  • Processing appeals to RMA processes