Hannah Rainforth

Kaupapa Taiao Specialist


027 597 2151

E rere ana ngā wai tuku kiri o Te Awa Tupua ki Tangaroa, mitimiti atu ana ngaru i tai kia tae atu ki Te Waiū o te Ika e heke mai ana i a Matua te Mana. Rere tonu ngā wai kia honohono
atu ki te awa o Rangitīkei, ko te wai mihi ērā o Te Tai Hauauru.

Hannah works at the interface of iwi-based and Western science, particularly in the freshwater realm. She loves developing research and monitoring programmes with iwi and hapū that are kaupapa-based and answer the questions important to iwi and hapū. She is interested in RMA matters, policy, and Treaty settlement, and how they can be designed and developed to protect the environment and achieve tino rangatiratanga.

​Hannah has held a number of technical and advisory roles, with a particular focus on freshwater and biodiversity. She has a Masters in Ecological Restoration and a Bachelor of Arts in Māori Studies from Victoria University of Wellington. Her expertise includes:

  • Environmental Management Plans

  • Facilitating iwi responses to resource consents, plans and policy statements

  • Facilitating wananga on freshwater issues

  • Undertaking freshwater monitoring and research

  • Developing monitoring and research plans, in particular for iwi

​Hannah’s quick to point out that one of the best parts of her work involves mud. Her perfect day is full of sunshine and clambering down steep banks, lunch breaks under the trees, discovering new places and having good kōrero. 

​Iwi: Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Hauiti, Ngāti Rangi